Available Services

Rebecca offers a wide range of legal services specific to estate planning and estate administration, guardianship, and nursing home planning. Learn about these services more in depth below, and head to the Contact Page to begin the process or ask any additional questions.

Estate Planning Services

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Dupras Law offers clients Estate Planning services, which typically includes the preparation and implementation of:

Additionally, Rebecca is able to offer advice on tax, business and Medicaid planning. She will work with you and your family to determine the best plan which begins with a free 30 minute initial consultation.

Estate Administration & Guardianship Services

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Estate Administration generally involves assisting the family in the transfer of assets and ensuring processes are followed after the loss of a loved one. Whether probate is needed or not, Dupras Law is able to help a family during this difficult time.

Guardianship is sometimes needed when a loved one needs a trusted person or family member to step in to help with their daily affairs. Rebecca can help establish guardianship and assist in navigating planning, management and transfer of assets. This process may also include nursing home or Medicaid planning.

If you are interested in discussing any of these services further, fill out the contact form here so we can get started.

Nursing Home and Medicaid Planning

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If you or your loved one are concerned about nursing home costs, Rebecca offers advice to clients on how they may be able to protect assets and qualify for Medicaid when the time comes. There are several strategies that are available depending on where you are in your life. These services are often done along with the Estate Planning and Guardianship Services discussed here. If you are interested in learning more for yourself or a loved one, please fill out the contact form here and if appropriate we can schedule a Free 30-minute consultation.

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